Monday, November 15, 2010

Painting #2, Part 2

(Personally my favorite section of the painting so far.)

Here is a look at the progress of the painting for Eric & Kristy's living room. It's coming along...
I am really sticking with the gorgeous neutral colors, but slowly incorporating purple, yellow ochre, magenta, and greens throughout while bringing in different textures. It is finally starting to have a little story and conversation created between different spaces/color fields. I can't wait until this layer dries and I get to work on it again!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Painting #2

It has been quite some time since I have posted something new, but I promise that isn't because I am not painting (and I promise I will finish my last painting SOON). My sister-in-law Kristy asked me a few weeks ago to paint her and my brother (Eric) a painting for their living room. They recently purchased their first home and are busy trying to redecorate and fill their space. I did not hesitate at the opportunity, and have been planning in my head ever since. Their colors are warm browns, sage greens, reds, and purples. I am going to visit their new abode next weekend to help polish the painting off... but until then I am playing around, getting their 4'x4' painting well on its merry way.

Here is the process thus far:

And a couple close-ups of the detail beginning to build: